Maintaining a productive and harmonious workplace requires addressing a range of issues, and one topic that can often lead to discomfort is personal hygiene. While it might be an uncomfortable subject, discussing hygiene concerns with employees is essential in...
Termination clauses in employment agreements play a crucial role in defining the rights and obligations of both employers and employees when it comes to ending the employment relationship. Recent legal cases have shed light on the complexities surrounding the...
The government of Ontario made an announcement this spring, regarding its plans to bring about modifications to specific jobsite requirements within the construction sector. Subsequently, proposed amendments were filed for the Construction Projects Regulation, which...
The rise of remote work has revolutionized the way businesses operate in Canada. With the increasing availability of technology and a shift in work culture, organizations are embracing remote work arrangements to accommodate employee preferences, expand their talent...
Valid employment agreements can become invalid over time. One of the reasons an existing and otherwise valid employment agreement can become invalid over time is due to “changed substratum”. The “changed substratum” doctrine provides that where the foundation of a...
Starting January 1, 2023 certain “business consultants” and “information technology consultants” in Ontario have been excluded from the protections afforded to employees under the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (“ESA”). This change will assist many businesses to...